
Sunday, November 13, 2011


Let me just start this out by saying that I knew this was too good to be true.

Okay, so about a month or so ago my friend, Forest, told me that he wanted to surprise my best friend and his girlfriend, Sarah, with one of his beloved 4x5 film cameras for her birthday. Forest lives in Montana and Sarah is currently here in Alaska so he needed my help. He told me he had this vision of the camera being set up in this open, snow-filled field. He said he wanted her to walk into the field and see nothing but the 4x5. So for the past few weeks I've been in the process of planning this surprise. I figured out where I was going to set up and convinced her to "hang-out" with me today. Now all that was left was to get the camera and get it executed. Once the mailman finally showed at 6pm last night, the plan was ready to go. I went to the field, got set-up, called Sarah to give her directions, called Forest to let him know that the plan was underway, and then it was time to wait for Sarah's arrival. A few minutes later, I received a phone call from a lost Sarah. (Apparently, I'm bad at giving directions.) Half-way through giving her new phone died. I was panicking because she couldn't find me and I had no way of contacting her.  After waiting for a few minutes, I decided to pack up real fast, drive back to my house and call her. I gave her the directions to the "right" field and tried to beat her back to the field so I could set-up again before she pulled up...but, she pulled in right behind me so, I just gave it to her.
I was soooooo close to pulling this off completely smooth. Oh well, I suppose it made it even more memorable.

It looked so wonderful, when it was all set-up.

We decided to re-create the "surprise" anyways! (:


  1. I LOVE IT. Thank you Theresa!!! That location is better than I could have ever imagined.

  2. You are such a wonderful friend Theresa! I love the recreation of the event and I am so glad you photographed it:) All three of you are such awesome romantics. I don't often see that in your age group! It is awesome and refreshing! Love you guys!

  3. Thanks guys! (: I loved being a part of it!

  4. I'm the luckiest girl in the world, because I have the best boy in the world.

    And a 4x5 camera.


  5. Awesome camera, pictures and location.
